Family Nights
MCCGP Family Nights are fun and educational events for the entire family. We typically invite a speaker to talk about a variety of different topics. There are games and fun activities for kids and young adults, all in a halal environment. Family Nights are held every first Friday of the month around 7:00 PM. Dinner is provided free of charge. Please join us, bring your whole family and enjoy the blessings of companionship and camaraderie!
After a brief Ramadan and Summer break, Family Nights are back. August's Family Night will be held on Friday August 26, 2016 at 7:30 PM. We have a panel discussion around upcoming 9/11 anniversary and what students and parents need to know to prepare themselves for associated events and activities in their schools. The evening will begin on 7:30 PM with a dinner (free), followed by Maghrib Prayers and the panel discussions. Audience will be able to ask questions and share their thoughts and experiences.