Arabic Vocabulary
هد هد HOOD-HOOD This is the bird mentioned in the Quran who brought the news to Prophet Sulayman regarding the Queen of Sheba.
زيتون ZAITOON A fruit mentioned in the Quran that is salty and very healthy.
التين TEEN Arabic word for Fig is teen.It is also a Surah in Quran.
نخيل NAKHEEL A type of tree that grows dates.
حديد HADEED This is a metal (iron) after which a surah is named.
الاندلس AL ANDALUS Arabic name for Muslim ruled Spain and Portugal
مسواك MISWAK A Twig from a tree that is used for cleaning teeth.
سوق SOUK An open air market where shopping for food, spices, books and other goods was done.People still shop at souks in Morocco, Turkey and other Muslim countries.
المنافقون AL MUNAFIQUN The hypocrites
البينة AL BAYYINAH The clear evidence
النمل AN NAML The Ant
الرعد AR RA'AD Thunder
مهندس MUHANDIS An engineer
طبيب TABEEB A Doctor
البلد AL BALAD The City
اسود ASWAD This is black color in Arabic.Holy Kabah has Black Stone (Hajr Aswad).
تفاح TUFFAH Apples
حبل HABAL A rope. This word is also mentioned in Quran in Surah Masad.
ميزان MEEZAN A scale (balance).
تلميذ TILMEEDH A student.
عنكبوت ANKABUT A spider. There is also a surah in Quran by the name of Surah Ankabut.
لهب LAHAB A flame. This word is also mentioned in Surah al Masad.
زيتون ZAITOON A fruit mentioned in the Quran that is salty and very healthy.
التين TEEN Arabic word for Fig is teen.It is also a Surah in Quran.
نخيل NAKHEEL A type of tree that grows dates.
حديد HADEED This is a metal (iron) after which a surah is named.
الاندلس AL ANDALUS Arabic name for Muslim ruled Spain and Portugal
مسواك MISWAK A Twig from a tree that is used for cleaning teeth.
سوق SOUK An open air market where shopping for food, spices, books and other goods was done.People still shop at souks in Morocco, Turkey and other Muslim countries.
المنافقون AL MUNAFIQUN The hypocrites
البينة AL BAYYINAH The clear evidence
النمل AN NAML The Ant
الرعد AR RA'AD Thunder
مهندس MUHANDIS An engineer
طبيب TABEEB A Doctor
البلد AL BALAD The City
اسود ASWAD This is black color in Arabic.Holy Kabah has Black Stone (Hajr Aswad).
تفاح TUFFAH Apples
حبل HABAL A rope. This word is also mentioned in Quran in Surah Masad.
ميزان MEEZAN A scale (balance).
تلميذ TILMEEDH A student.
عنكبوت ANKABUT A spider. There is also a surah in Quran by the name of Surah Ankabut.
لهب LAHAB A flame. This word is also mentioned in Surah al Masad.