Junior Jeopardy 2023 - Level 1 & 2
Prophet Muhammad
(Allah bless him and give him peace)
Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah on 12 Raabi Al Awwal 570 AD, the same year when Abraha tried to attack Makkah with a troop of elephants, but was unsuccessful and was destroyed by Allah (SWT). The year is called the Elephant Year or Am ul Fil. (عام الفيل).
His father, Abdullah, died before his birth and his mother, Amina, died when he was six years old.
Halima was one of the nurse mothers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It was a custom at that time to place all newborn babies under the care of Bedouin nurse mothers. After about 2 or 3 years the babies were returned to their actual mothers.
Prophet (SAW) stayed under the care of Halima for five years after which he lived with his birth mother Amina for a year before she passed away when he was only 6 years old.
After Amina passed away, Abdul Muttalib who was Prophet's (SAW) grandfather took care of him.
When Prophet (SAW) was 8 years old, his grandfather also passed away. His uncle Abu Talib then took responsibility of taking care of him.
His noble character stood him out, to the point that his people called him 'AS SADIQ' (the Truthful) and 'AL AMIN (the Honest).
His first wife was Khadija Bint Khuwaylid (Ra), with whom he got married at the age of 25. Khadija (RA) was 40 at that time.
Muhammad (SAW) became a Prophet of Allah when he was 40 years old.
Quran was revealed for the first time to Muhammad (SAW) in Ramadan through Angel Jibreel, while Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was in the CAVE OF HIRA. The first five ayahs of SURAH AL ALAQ were revealed to him.
He is the last Prophet sent to humanity. For this reason, he is referred to as SEAL OF THE PROPHETS ( Khatam an nabiyyin) in Quran.
Prophet (PBUH) had six children: Qasim, Ibrahim, Om-Kolthoom, Ruqayah, Zaynab, and Fatimah ( May Allah be pleased with them).
All of his children passed away before Prophet himself, except Fatimah (Ra) and Zainab (Ra).
His prophet hood lasted 23 years.Out of which he lived in Makkah for 13 years. He then migrated to Madinah at the age of 53. This migration is called Hijra. In Madinah he built a mosque that is known as MASJID AN NABAWI.
After his migration to Madinah, he صلي الله عليه وسلم , established an Islamic state and lived for 10 more years.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) passed away at the age of 63 in Madinah.
His father, Abdullah, died before his birth and his mother, Amina, died when he was six years old.
Halima was one of the nurse mothers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It was a custom at that time to place all newborn babies under the care of Bedouin nurse mothers. After about 2 or 3 years the babies were returned to their actual mothers.
Prophet (SAW) stayed under the care of Halima for five years after which he lived with his birth mother Amina for a year before she passed away when he was only 6 years old.
After Amina passed away, Abdul Muttalib who was Prophet's (SAW) grandfather took care of him.
When Prophet (SAW) was 8 years old, his grandfather also passed away. His uncle Abu Talib then took responsibility of taking care of him.
His noble character stood him out, to the point that his people called him 'AS SADIQ' (the Truthful) and 'AL AMIN (the Honest).
His first wife was Khadija Bint Khuwaylid (Ra), with whom he got married at the age of 25. Khadija (RA) was 40 at that time.
Muhammad (SAW) became a Prophet of Allah when he was 40 years old.
Quran was revealed for the first time to Muhammad (SAW) in Ramadan through Angel Jibreel, while Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was in the CAVE OF HIRA. The first five ayahs of SURAH AL ALAQ were revealed to him.
He is the last Prophet sent to humanity. For this reason, he is referred to as SEAL OF THE PROPHETS ( Khatam an nabiyyin) in Quran.
Prophet (PBUH) had six children: Qasim, Ibrahim, Om-Kolthoom, Ruqayah, Zaynab, and Fatimah ( May Allah be pleased with them).
All of his children passed away before Prophet himself, except Fatimah (Ra) and Zainab (Ra).
His prophet hood lasted 23 years.Out of which he lived in Makkah for 13 years. He then migrated to Madinah at the age of 53. This migration is called Hijra. In Madinah he built a mosque that is known as MASJID AN NABAWI.
After his migration to Madinah, he صلي الله عليه وسلم , established an Islamic state and lived for 10 more years.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) passed away at the age of 63 in Madinah.