Junior Jeopardy 2024 - Level 1 & 2
Prophets are special people chosen by Allah (SWT) who receive Divine revelation and convey Allah’s messages to people. They invite people to believe only in Allah, doing good deeds, refraining from sins, enjoining what is good, and forbidding evil. Allah has chosen prophets for every nation and tribe. The Quran tells us that they were all righteous individuals who never committed sins and always obeyed Allah.
It is stated in our narrations that Allah sent 124,000 prophets in total to different nations, with Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him) being the first one, and Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) being the last. After Prophet Muhammad (s), there is no other prophet. He is THE SEAL OF PROPHETHOOD . Out of 124,000 prophets, only 25 prophets have been mentioned by their names in Quran. Following are some short stories of a few Prophets from Quran:
Dawood (Peace be upon him) was not only a prophet but also the king of the people of Israel. He was known for his strength, wisdom, judgement and devotion to Allah. The Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) had an ancestral link with the Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him). He lived in Bait-ul-Lahm which was situated at the distance of ten miles from Jerusalem.
Before Dawood became king, Talut was the king of Israel. He was very young when he was in the army of king Taloot. The army had set out to fight a fierce enemy led by a terrifying warrior named Jaloot. When Taloot set out with his army to fight Jalut (Goliath) and his forces, he tested his soldiers by telling them not to drink from a river which they were crossing. Only a small sip of water out of the hand was allowed. But only a very few men passed the test. With that small band of obedient soldiers, Talut prepared to meet the larger and stronger army of Jalut. The men put their faith in Allah, knowing that size and numbers were no match for a steadfast faith in the power of Allah. Dawood , who was a very young man in Talut’s army, killed Jalut. After that, Jalut’s army fell apart, and the small band of Israelites was victorious.
Dawood (Peace be upon him) , besides being brave and wise, was known for his wonderful voice, which he used to sing the praises of Allah. When he sang, the mountains and valleys and all of nature seemed to join in. It was to him that the holy book, Zabur, was given by Allah. Allah also showed Dawood (Peace be upon him) the art of making iron, so that he was able to make suits of armor to protect his soldiers.
The prophet Muhammad (Alllah bless him and give him peace) used to say, according to the traditions of Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol. 4: 631), that the most beloved fasting to Allah was that of Dawood (Peace be upon him), who used to fast on alternate days. And the most beloved prayer was that of Dawood (alayhis salam). He would sleep the first half of the night; then he would pray for one-third of the night, before going back to sleep for the remaining one-sixth of the night.
Even though he was the king, Dawood would go out to work and with the money he earned he would buy food and clothing for his family. He used to make weapons and armors and sell them.
Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) passed away at the age of 70 years. He was buried in Jerusalem.
A long time ago, a great tribe lived in the south of Arabia. They were called ‘Ad. They were very clever and could do many things. They used the mountains for their homes. They carved out great mansions with wonderful pillars. They called their city Iram. It was very famous. As time went on, the people of Ad thought more about themselves and less about Allah. They thought they didn't need Allah, because they had lots of money and power. They thought they were being clever but really they were foolish. Before long they turned to bad ways. Gangs of them used to rob and kill people traveling by. There was still one good man among them. His name was Hud and was sent as a prophet to the people of ‘Ad. He did not belong to any of the gangs. He did not agree with the things they did. He tried to tell them to stop their bad ways and told them to follow Allah's ways.
Hud (Peace be upon him) said Allah would punish the bad ones but most of the people still would not listen. They thought they were more clever than the Prophet of Allah. So Allah told Hud (Peace be upon him) to take all the good people into a big cave near the city and the very next day a terrible tornado came and only the good ones, the ones who had listened, were saved and all the disbelievers in Allah’s message were destroyed.
The Prophet Salih (Peace be upon him) was sent to the tribe of Thamud who were prosperous builders and architects of their time, but without faith in Allah. He asked his people to worship one Allah, but they ignored him. One day, as a test, he asked them to allow a she-camel, sent by Allah, to graze and drink. But they didn’t listen and killed her and were then severely punished by Allah's sending them a terrible earthquake which buried them all in their own fortress like houses. Only Prophet Salih (Peace be upon him) and his followers were saved.
The prophet Yunus was sent to the people of Ninevah. He warned the people about their evil ways and told them to follow Allah but they would not listen. Yunus was so angry he left. He sailed away but the ship was so full and heavy, and as a result Yunus (Peace be upon him) was thrown overboard. He was swallowed by an enormous fish and he lived in its belly for three days. Yunus (Peace be upon him) prayed to Allah (SWT) from the belly of the fish and Allah answered his prayers. The fish spewed him out on a shore. He was very ill but Allah was protecting him. A gourd plant grew and its leaves protected Yunus (Peace be upon him) from the sun. A wild goat provided him with milk. When he became better, he went back to Ninevah and gave the people Allah's message once more. This time the people listened and Allah forgave them
It is stated in our narrations that Allah sent 124,000 prophets in total to different nations, with Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him) being the first one, and Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) being the last. After Prophet Muhammad (s), there is no other prophet. He is THE SEAL OF PROPHETHOOD . Out of 124,000 prophets, only 25 prophets have been mentioned by their names in Quran. Following are some short stories of a few Prophets from Quran:
Dawood (Peace be upon him) was not only a prophet but also the king of the people of Israel. He was known for his strength, wisdom, judgement and devotion to Allah. The Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) had an ancestral link with the Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him). He lived in Bait-ul-Lahm which was situated at the distance of ten miles from Jerusalem.
Before Dawood became king, Talut was the king of Israel. He was very young when he was in the army of king Taloot. The army had set out to fight a fierce enemy led by a terrifying warrior named Jaloot. When Taloot set out with his army to fight Jalut (Goliath) and his forces, he tested his soldiers by telling them not to drink from a river which they were crossing. Only a small sip of water out of the hand was allowed. But only a very few men passed the test. With that small band of obedient soldiers, Talut prepared to meet the larger and stronger army of Jalut. The men put their faith in Allah, knowing that size and numbers were no match for a steadfast faith in the power of Allah. Dawood , who was a very young man in Talut’s army, killed Jalut. After that, Jalut’s army fell apart, and the small band of Israelites was victorious.
Dawood (Peace be upon him) , besides being brave and wise, was known for his wonderful voice, which he used to sing the praises of Allah. When he sang, the mountains and valleys and all of nature seemed to join in. It was to him that the holy book, Zabur, was given by Allah. Allah also showed Dawood (Peace be upon him) the art of making iron, so that he was able to make suits of armor to protect his soldiers.
The prophet Muhammad (Alllah bless him and give him peace) used to say, according to the traditions of Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol. 4: 631), that the most beloved fasting to Allah was that of Dawood (Peace be upon him), who used to fast on alternate days. And the most beloved prayer was that of Dawood (alayhis salam). He would sleep the first half of the night; then he would pray for one-third of the night, before going back to sleep for the remaining one-sixth of the night.
Even though he was the king, Dawood would go out to work and with the money he earned he would buy food and clothing for his family. He used to make weapons and armors and sell them.
Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) passed away at the age of 70 years. He was buried in Jerusalem.
A long time ago, a great tribe lived in the south of Arabia. They were called ‘Ad. They were very clever and could do many things. They used the mountains for their homes. They carved out great mansions with wonderful pillars. They called their city Iram. It was very famous. As time went on, the people of Ad thought more about themselves and less about Allah. They thought they didn't need Allah, because they had lots of money and power. They thought they were being clever but really they were foolish. Before long they turned to bad ways. Gangs of them used to rob and kill people traveling by. There was still one good man among them. His name was Hud and was sent as a prophet to the people of ‘Ad. He did not belong to any of the gangs. He did not agree with the things they did. He tried to tell them to stop their bad ways and told them to follow Allah's ways.
Hud (Peace be upon him) said Allah would punish the bad ones but most of the people still would not listen. They thought they were more clever than the Prophet of Allah. So Allah told Hud (Peace be upon him) to take all the good people into a big cave near the city and the very next day a terrible tornado came and only the good ones, the ones who had listened, were saved and all the disbelievers in Allah’s message were destroyed.
The Prophet Salih (Peace be upon him) was sent to the tribe of Thamud who were prosperous builders and architects of their time, but without faith in Allah. He asked his people to worship one Allah, but they ignored him. One day, as a test, he asked them to allow a she-camel, sent by Allah, to graze and drink. But they didn’t listen and killed her and were then severely punished by Allah's sending them a terrible earthquake which buried them all in their own fortress like houses. Only Prophet Salih (Peace be upon him) and his followers were saved.
The prophet Yunus was sent to the people of Ninevah. He warned the people about their evil ways and told them to follow Allah but they would not listen. Yunus was so angry he left. He sailed away but the ship was so full and heavy, and as a result Yunus (Peace be upon him) was thrown overboard. He was swallowed by an enormous fish and he lived in its belly for three days. Yunus (Peace be upon him) prayed to Allah (SWT) from the belly of the fish and Allah answered his prayers. The fish spewed him out on a shore. He was very ill but Allah was protecting him. A gourd plant grew and its leaves protected Yunus (Peace be upon him) from the sun. A wild goat provided him with milk. When he became better, he went back to Ninevah and gave the people Allah's message once more. This time the people listened and Allah forgave them